Just filling out entries for "Vegas'" first show in June. She is just old enough for Great Western Terrier show on June 23/24. She'll be in the regular 6-9 puppy class and puppy sweeps. Now all I have to do is make sure she gets trained - LOL!

Vegas looks good. Very nice body. Head is improving as she starts to get some cheeks. Bite looking good. I think she's going to be a very nice female as she matures. She's a little hellion. I think she got that from Walker!!! But she is a lot of fun.

How are your two pups coming along?

Hope everything is going well.


From: Karyn Dawes (kdawes@2manydogs.com)
Sent: Sat 3/10/12 2:21 PM
To: Johnathen & Madelyn Victorino (victorinoskennel@msn.com)

The little stinker is determined,
I will say that! Here she is with Moxie my AmStaff and Chevy. That's her just hanging on!

She is a WONDERFUL puppy - bold and playful - and, of course, one
small package of cuteness. She met the rest of the boisterous family
through the x-pen yesterday. I didn't want her to get squashed. I'll
start introducing them one or two at a time today. She did meet her
auntie Ditto one-on-one. Of course she tried to nurse, but was very
respectful when Ditto told her "no way".

She slept through the night in the crate near my bed both nights -
hooray!! No crying or whining,

She's in the other room in her little round bed snoring right now.

Hope your trip home went smoothly.

Thank you so much for bringing her down.

In loving memory of Karyn Dawes